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Public News Post #1171

500,000 gold raffle!

Written by: Reigning Sister, Kharaen d'Attai
Date: Sunday, August 31st, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

I am hosting a raffle with a prize of 500,000 gold. It's probably more
gold then you've ever dreamed of, and it can be yours! Each ticket is
1000 gold, and each person can buy a maximum of 100 tickets.

Now, I can't be awake as much as I like, so feel free to mail me the
gold for the tickets when I am slumbering. Do remember to write your
name on the letter, or message me the amount you have sent me! I will
respond by sending you a message with information reguarding your
tickets numbers. If you'd like to purchase tickets as a gift for
someone, but want it to be a surprise, mention this in the letter or
message. I will send you, not the gifted, the ticket numbers and award
the gifted should they have a winning number.

You'll have roughly two years to save up for tickets and send in your
gold for them. The draw for the winning ticket will be in Urlachmar 217.
The number will be announced (though not the winner), and the gold will
be given to the winner either by mail or in person.

Reigning Sister, Kharaen d'Attai.

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Dioni, in the year 215 CE.

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