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Public News Post #1172


Written by: Crylia Dawneye
Date: Monday, September 1st, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Basin,

I dislike bringing this to the public boards, however I dislike the
harassment and despair of my friends even less.

One of my friends has been dealing with subtle accusations of being a
tramp and prostitute for some time now, and is even beginning to lose
friends because of it. She is one of my closest friends, but I wont give
her name because she has requested I not. Much like Flaryas predicament
before, she is being forced to go through constant spoken attacks on her
reputation and feelings, for completely false crimes.

Ive brought this before the Basin not only in attempt to protect my
friend, but others who must deal with these issues on a day to day basis
as well. Those who whisper and giggle, spreading lies and rumours about
those they dislike or dont even know - you know who you are. I request
that those guilty of these actions take a long look at themselves and
notice how petty and shallow theyve been. To reiterate Flaryas own post,
if there are any doubts or wonders on the behaviors of someone, instead
of asking others that may have heard the complete untruth from another,
turn your questions on the subject of your thoughts. Its not difficult
to politely ask someone of their true nature, and in the end you may
even gain a new friend.

Please stop this ridiculous and immature behaviour. Thank you.

- Crylia Dawneye

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Vestian, in the year 215 CE.

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