To the Basin
Written by: Lanfayr d'Murani
Date: Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Hunters and influencers of the Basin, I come forth to you with a contest
for the favour of Lord Fain, of the Red Masque. Let blood be shed and
sweet words be said in His name, and those of you who excel shall be
rewarded as follows:
First place will receive 15 credits and a year long truefavour.
Second place will receive 10 credits and a half-year long highfavour.
Third place will receive 5 credits and a 3 month strongfavour.
The contest will begin on the first of Estar, year 222, and end on the
new year, Estar 223.
So go and spill blood and sway minds, and offer your quarry to the
Crimson Lord.
Lanfayr d'Murani
the Forked Tongue of Lord Fain
Penned by my hand on the 9th of Klangiary, in the year 221 CE.