Written by: Shadowvale Mistress Sadhyra, Shadowed Resonance
Date: Tuesday, December 9th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Let it be known that today I renounce the traitors known as the
y'Kaliaths. Their actions - starting with mere poor judgment before
quickly spiraling down the paths of lunacy - have now reached the extent
of madness that a permanent resident of the astral plane would be hard
pressed to rival.
They have consistently shown that they care for themselves above all
else, to the exclusion of all others, and sweet words and petty trinkets
are hardly enough to erase their deeds from the memory of their progeny.
I declare myself no member of that den of fools. I am linked to them
only through an unfortunate mishap of copulation which resulted in my
birth. To the pair of you: grow up. On this day your offspring are the
adults and you the petulant children mewling for attention - and
attention you have gotten. Enjoy.
Penned by my hand on the 5th of Dioni, in the year 223 CE.