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Public News Post #1191

Abhorent Prophcies

Written by: Attendant Kalas Iytha, Death's Undying Foe
Date: Saturday, December 20th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

I have gathered the following quatrains of the Verses of Magnora, a book
of Prophecies from the mouthes of the foul beings known as Clotho,
Lachesis and Atropos:

CMLXXI (971)
Earth will tremble, rocks will weep,
Spirits still as fate draws near.
Faith will fall into the deep,
And wander lost with none to hear.

Seas shall boil with pain and rage
As the city's idols weep,
Nightmares plague the forest ways
And lure them into restless sleep

Drink, o young, the heady draught!
Power springing from the source!
Come the twilight of the gods
Slay your masters, no remorse!

These verse predict that the Elder Gods of Celest and Magnagora will go
mad with grief (As Lord Eventru and Lady Terentia have so recently done)
and begin attacking the land and the sea, while the Elders of Serenwilde
and Glomdoring will fall into a nightmare filled sleep. It goes on the
predict that this catacylsm will result in mortalkind abaondoning the
Elders and eventually turning on Them and fighting with our former
Divine Patrons. This must NOT come to pass if we are to have any hope of
surviving the next weakening of the Nine Seals which hold back Kethuru.

I am unable to discern what the Verses predict to be causing this
disaster. We must put aside our rivalries and disputes for now, so that
the Basin, and mortalkind along with it, will endure. If anyone has
translations or copies of Verses 970, 973, 975 or any other Verse, I beg
that they come forward so that it may be translated by the collective
whole of the Basin's scholars.

-Kalas Iytha, Death's Undying Foe

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Urlachmar, in the year 224 CE.

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