Regarding Dysolis
Written by: Archmage Jigan, the Crimson Brook
Date: Sunday, March 1st, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings Basin of Life,
I grow weary of Dysolis. He sits and waits at the Aetherplex, snapping
at people who are merely traveling through in the hopes of getting a
quick kill to show the us all how big his "staff" is.
His flooding of such a public area has killed several novices in the
past, and will continue to do so until the monster is halted. He wields
the power of water, and yet he fails to understand the lessons of the
fire. Wield your power with regard to all nearby. Flames consume all
they can, and water drags all beneath the surface.
This pitiful maggot kills and slaughters people just trying to visit
family, or those shopping for dinner. He doesn't stop to ask why, he
just points his staff and starts attacking. Is this how a Celestian is
supposed to act? KILL! KILL! It does not believe what we believe, KILL!
Ashtorath would be so proud, to see Dysolis now.
See this so-called follower of the Light dead. I want Dysolis' head. The
Geomancers find him repulsive, for more than his bubbly waters.
Twenty-five thousand gold for Dysolis' head. I want the head, not just
his death.
First come, first served. I want it fresh.
Remove this menance, remove this irksome and arrogant child. Cast him to
the floor and crush his face into the gravel. I care not how, just bring
me his head.
Post script: Celestians are encouraged to kill Dysolis. I whole
heartedly approve of Celest finally stepping up and telling Dysolis that
his methods are detrimetal to the Basin at large. But, those who enter
pact with Dysolis purely for the gold, they will receive nothing.
Penned by my hand on the 10th of Juliary, in the year 229 CE.