Your recent post pertaining to Jigan.
Written by: High Elder Shaddus Mes'ard, Predicant of Malefaction
Date: Sunday, March 1st, 2009
Addressed to: Terentia, the Even Bladed
Greetings to you, Lady Even-Blade.
I must thank You for Your post in regards to Jigan's "inane tendancies".
It gave me quite the chuckle, as well as amusing most of the Basin.
Truly, You have a way with words.
It seems quite interesting to me that out of the pantheon of the cities,
only the Celestian divine must force people to worship them. Never once
have I heard of someone cursed to scream praises to Lord Fain, or Lord
Morgfyre. Nor to any commune divine. But it seems the Celestian divine
are so under worshipped, that They must curse people to praise them,
else the divine fade away from a lack of attention. Though it is obvious
that You possess a modicum of respect for Yourself and are the
quintessential picture of self control, I'm afraid that a comrade of
yours is not.
Lord Eventru, last among the two remaining divine of the First Circle,
seems to have such a low amount of self esteem, that He has to force
others to shout His praises. I'm not surprised, as from what I
understand, Celest's Star is powered by forcing citizens to pray to the
Supernals, and imprisoning them there until they escape and run the
streets, evading capture until pressed into service once again. And when
this "Lord Exalted" turns His attention to the Basin, He has it
announced by a choir of whimpering cherubim so that all may marvel at
His power.
Glory be to the benevolent Lord Fain, whose very presence leads one to
wish to worship at His feet. He who in ages past led the attacks against
the Soulless, while Lord Eventru stayed behind holding the hands of the
half-formed. He who gave up all He had to protect those He loved, and
yet, was called Betrayer. He who was, and is, the noblest of leaders,
king of aristocrats, master tactician, consumate warrior.
He forces none to worship Him.
He doesn't need to.
Shaddus Mes'ard, Predicant of Malefaction.
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Juliary, in the year 229 CE.