On foolishness
Written by: Squire Durving Starleaf, Ward of Pharamon
Date: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
Addressed to: Archmage Jigan, the Crimson Brook
Jigan, Last I checked, I did not go around telling Fain what was within
his rights to do or not do, as you seem intent upon doing with Lord
Eventru and Lady Terentia. Though I have no affection for the Masked
One, and frequently try to inform Romero of this fact as he and his
henchmen kill me, I do not suffer from such hubris that I think I can
tell the Supernals what to do. I already find myself dead frequently
enough, thank you very, much. In the future, I recommend that you think
twice about posting such slanderous missives about the Supernals.
Otherwise, you might find yourself a bit...slimier... Durving Starleaf
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Roarkian, in the year 229 CE.