Written by: Seditionist Latulla De'Unnero, Custodian of Nil
Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2009
Addressed to: Sthai Oubliette, Initiate of Night's Secrets
Dear Sthai,
I have sat back and read through the letters issuded
to both city, yourself and individuals attempting to defend
their city against the harshness of your words. Even if, some
of those harsh things are only the truth. I am tired, my words
stumble over one another in a crazed manner, so much that
I'll attempt to keep this short from embarrassing myself.
Regardless of what the others have written so far,
I can only be drawn back to the first post of it all. The one
thing that really stuck out...was you saying that those who remember
the glory days do not recall what had sparked them.
Lady Sthai? Why did you leave the city - truly, was it love
for your husband? Boredom with your purpose in the city, so much
that you wished to leave to try something new? Or was it a knowing
that a planned attack against Nil and Celestia had already reached
you, and you couldn't wait to attend it without being
formally known as a traitor?
Whatever the reason may be, I can say this. You, Lady Sthai
were in a position of power to really change things. One of the
"Older" ones who did remember those glory days, a person who
was present enough to know what to do, to encourage the citizenry
to take action and get into gear. So short was your stay
as Heresiarch, but I had trusted in your energy and enthusiasm.
Warlady Nariah had selected you for the job, perhaps with
a knowledge and wisdom that you could have been the one to
help truly put things back to the way they were to be...
I had trusted you, and so soon you leave? And you dare
have the nerve to speak so poorly of the place you had grown
up? You say that we do nothing to restore the city to its
former glory - and what have you done? Why didn't you try?
Why are we now left with the shadow of your memory, a memory
of a girl who preached of things to come, but only to leave
her unfinished work in the hands of the young.
I am ashamed of you, Lady Sthai. Next time you wish
to besmirch the Engine with your rusted tongue, then perhaps
you should look to yourself first, and realize that things
may have been different if you had the guts, and stuck it out
for the long run to change whatever is necessary in this place.
You disgust me, you are worthless, the only purpose for you
existence is to give the worms in your hoped for grave
a comparison to another choice meal in the grave next to yours.
You are alone, and though perhaps you feel you've compaions
in that forest of yours, I know deep down that you feel at a loss
and that you wish you had never done what you did.
Seditionist Latulla.
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Dvarsh, in the year 235 CE.