Written by: Admiral Narsrim D'cente`, Prince of the Lord
Date: Wednesday, May 13th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Dear Shaddus and company,
It should be apparent that this Sthai creature is one that feeds upon
attention like a mosquito does blood. These mindless debates serve no
purpose and in fact, I would argue that each time you and your fellows
post, you lend some credibility to Ms. Oubliette by acknowledging she's
pushing your tainted little buttons.
If I might offer advice, I suggest playing a game of patience. When the
attention Sthai craves can no longer be found within Glomdoring, she
will come crawling back to the Engine. Of course, she'll confabulate the
most outlandish reason and somehow try and convince you that she was
spying for Fain or this or that. Be cognizant of this, and do not offer
her an exit when her shadowy swamp begins to bore her.
With hugs and kisses,
Penned by my hand on the 5th of Tzarin, in the year 235 CE.