From one scholar to another.
Written by: Ur'Marquessa Kalas Iytha, Death's Undying Foe
Date: Wednesday, May 13th, 2009
Addressed to: Sthai Oubliette, Initiate of Night's Secrets
Sthai Obliette's words ring true. The Engine, once mighty, falters and
its cogs suffer the neglect that comes from inaction. Indeed, change and
renewal must come. It is quite clear that a cure must be found for this
rot. Yet, her proscribed cure is given in error.
Mortaldom is NOT separate from the Divine as Lady Sthai might claim.
Reascension, through the Taint and the Light of the Cosmic Planes, both
Celestia and Nil, IS possible. We are no mere puppets of far off
Divinity, but Divine ourselves, Godly children born of war and strife
between the Gods. It is we mortals who drove back the Soulless, sealed
Kethuru and defeated all of His kin. It is our sacred duty to Ascend
once more, to reclaim the Havens and to defeat our Great Enemy, the
Eaters of Gods, once and forever.
The forests of Glomdoring and Serenwilde are shams, falsehoods who have
turned their backs on the common origin of us all. The spirits they
worship have no touch of Divinity. Moon and Night, Hart and Crow, are
nothing greater than the basest elemental. They have no Soul; merely a
spirit, a bit of Dreamstuff to animate their uninspired substance. To
worship and venerate such a thing is a fool's mistake.
Even the Divine of the communes, the Awakeners and Creators of the Sixth
and Seventh Circles, know this to be true. What Divine, looking upon
Crow or Night, would say, "This being is my equal and my peer. It is
just as knowledgeable and powerful and as wise as I am. It deserves my
admiration and respect." No Elder would say such a thing, for to claim
such would to debase Themselves utterly. If the Elder Gods would not
debase themselves in such a way, why ought we, Their children and heirs,
lower ourselves to do so?
The true path for we mortals lies not in the forests and communes, but
in the cities, contemplating the Cosmic creches and the Elemental
planes. Progress, Transformation, Reascension. If Magnagora is to be
made great once more, we must embrace our newfound allies and our only
equals in all of the Basin: Those of Celest. They, and they alone, are
worthy of even an ounce a Magnagorian's respect.
This is the path of Transformation, of Change. Magnagora, if she is to
succeed, must ally with those who we once called foe, to acknowledge
that the two remaining cities of the Celestine Empire are not so
different. Our peoples, Celestian and Magnagorian, ought be united. Our
Magi, the Geomancers and the Aquamancers, too, ought stand together. The
Divine Light, of Nil as much as of Celestia, the one true hope of
mortalkind, must shine on and it's most sacred defenders, the Supernals
and the Demon Lords, must be freed.
- Kalas Iytha
Penned by my hand on the 5th of Tzarin, in the year 235 CE.