An Announcement
Written by: Attendant Esano, Scion of the Shattered Earth
Date: Sunday, May 31st, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Citizens of Celest
Your Prince has fled, bewailing his lack of manhood. Your city lies in
turmoil and undefended. Celest is destroyed as a power in the Basin.
This is the triumph of Taint. The victory of transformation over
stagnancy. Celest is now no more than a footnote in the long history of
the Basin of Life.
In his magnanimity, Lord Fain offers an amnesty for those of you from
whose eyes the scales of blindness have fallen. In His magnanimity He
will lift His enmity from those of appropriate ethnicity who choose to
flee and accept citizenship in Magnagora.
To Eventru also, Lord Fain offers His salutations. Let Eventru swear
everlasting fealty and bind himself with bonds of essence, and Lord Fain
consents to have him as a vassal, to crouch beside His feet and eat the
scraps beneath His table.
These are the words of Fain.
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Estar, in the year 237 CE.