The Hidden Nature of our Toys?
Written by: Archon Richter Carthan
Date: Saturday, July 18th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings everyone,
Recently, a gnome lady named Yoftie has been providing six different
kinds of toys to those who see her at the peak's aetherplex. These toys
have thus far been great fun, and far cheaper than one might imagine.
They first sold for 1000 gold each, and when she finally sold the last
of her toys, they were going for merely 100 gold each.
Now, a few of us have begun to question the value of these items, as
some strange going-ons have been reported. I've entered my stockroom and
seen strange movements out of the corner of my eye, but could not
pinpoint their source. Others have reported the toys delving into their
packs, making off with gold, and other real or imagined activities.
While we have had fun playing with these toys, suspicion now surrounds
them, and people have taken to putting the toys in their nexus, or
simply putting them out of sight. I, myself, have a large quantity of
the toys inside the manse safe in my Deepnight office.
When Yoftie left, she appeared nervous, and quickly exited. I would like
to call upon her for a comment regarding our concerns, as it would seem
some explanation is due.
Penned by my hand on the 6th of Roarkian, in the year 240 CE.