The Tahtetso Nostos
Written by: Zalandrus Tregon
Date: Saturday, July 18th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
The Tahtetso guild has long been one known for individuality. Though we
have always been open to new members who wish to find their own path to
Lumosis, the Grandmasters have recently decided to make this openness
known to all.
Thus begins the Tahtetso Nostos, or homecoming, for the entire Basin.
The Tahtetso welcome any who wish to join our ranks, to walk a path they
choose, and to discover what Light their souls may hold.
Because we understand that switching guilds may at times be practically
and financially difficult, we have decided to devote some of our guild
resources to help those who join the Nostos to adapt to their new way of
life. Specifically:
-Any non-novice who joins the Nostos will be automatically advanced out
of novicehood in the Tahtetso.
-Any who join the Nostos will have their past accomplishments (honors)
examined, and Marks for advancement in the guild assigned accordingly.
-Any who do not already practice the Tahtetso skills will have the
choice of either a) a 15,000 lump-sum gold subsidy or b) the chance to
buy one set of guild credits, redeemable after one's initial lessons in
the Tahtetso skills.
If you wish to learn more about the Tahtetso or the Nostos, or if you
have decided to take up a tahto and join the homecoming, please contact
a leader of the Tahtetso.
(Note that current enemies of Celest who wish to join the Tahtetso
should first approach the Celestian Ambassador, while also sending me a
message stating your intent.)
Brightest blessings,
Penned by my hand on the 8th of Roarkian, in the year 240 CE.