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Public News Post #1261


Written by: Geophyte Gharveyn
Date: Tuesday, July 21st, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

Dear friends and geomancers,
We are proceeding with our plans to form a guild-sponsored study group
to study the history and properties of the Engine of Transformation and
The Taint, the following notice was presented for approval, and we
believe we may now share this invitation with you all.

Anyone wishing to join this study group please provide us with a message
or letter (TO GHARVEYN), everyone is welcome to join, even Magnagorans
outside our guild shall receive a notice like this shortly, inviting
them to join us, as we study the Engine and Taint carefully.

This will be a guild sponsored project, we want to build a firm core of
geomancers at the center of this study group.

We would like all applicants to briefly summarize their knowledge of the
histories of the Engine and the Taint. Please include any personal or
popular theories you wish to advance regarding the nature of the Engine
and the Taint. Please include a description of the what the Engine and
the Taint are in your own words as much as possible.

We want to be able to address our collective and individual knowledge
gaps of the Engine and the Taint, so collating this information will
help direct our initial investigations.

We do have specific theories to advance, regarding the nature of the
Engine and the Taint, controversial theories based more on logic than
evidence, we hope this initial survey of our members knowledge may
provide evidence or opinion to support our theories, however, we will
consider all theories fairly, any theory brought forward by any party
will receive due consideration.

We are seeking a transparent culture for the purposes of this
investigation, there should be no secrets among us. We shall explain all
the spin-off wealth we anticipate this investigation will manifest.

A copy of our study group's mission statement has been submitted to our
Maker, we hope to have this published soon, with a public version
published in the city library shortly after that.

The following was submitted for review to our Maker, and is an outline
of our study group's proposed procedures. This is YOUR study group, if
the Engine and the Taint interest you, we will listen to what you have
to say and appreciate all questions you may raise. We want you to have
an equal say in how we proceed, so any comments or criticisms are

We can take it, so bring it on!

We promise to answer all of your questions on any subject pertinent to
this study to the fullest and most accurate extent we are capable of,
and any questions we cannot answer will be more wheat for our mill, we
shall cast off the chaff and produce the sweet kernals of truth, a truth
we can all agree on and rely on to help us transform ourselves to become
better tools of the Engine and the Taint.

We will naturally submit our own application to join, all applications
should become property of an archivist, if one will step forward please?
All applications should be accessible to all members, remember,

In light of our suspiscions regarding the Engine and the Taint we wish
to provide one additional recommendation regarding our group
methodology, we wish for everyone to read our dissertation titled:
CONSIDERING ANARCHY and be preapred to discuss how enlightened anarchy
may be used as a model for how we might function together as a study

We shall request an archivist to publish this article to our guild and
study group, and we shall request our librarian to publish it for our

Archivist please note, certain unpallatable speech has been removed in a
single paragraph, in particular, and replaced with speech that retains a
higher vissimilitude, so the copy below should be the considered the
permanent record copy, thank you.

We have no objections to anyone viewing the original content at their
own discretion.

Thank you dear geomancer friends, without further preamble, here is our
study outline proposal:

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No study of the Engine of Transformation can take place without
referencing all availabe authorities upon the subject. All such
authorities must be shown due respect at all times, even though we may
have to ask questions that may put our authorities at unease.

No one wishes to reveal the limits or paucity of their knowledge, and
all questions lead to this result, that we shall eventually ask
questions no one can answer.

Our real study begins there.

We can advance the logical part of our study independently, because the
clues which lead to our suspiscions regarding the true nature of the
Engine of Transformation are matters of pure logic and reasoning for the
most part, backed up by cultural information to some extent, but
transcending individual or traditional information sources.

We believe too much time has passed since the Tainting for anyone to
have an accurate picture of events of those times, we suspect that every
memory and myth regarding those times may be subject to interpretation,
that much of what we already believe we know may be true in essence, but
corrupted in form, like so many of those who were changed, who survived
the original Tainting.

We do not include ourselves among those who experienced the Tainting or
its immediate aftermaths, we cannot say we were there then. Perhaps we
were there, in some strange fashion, but we have only our Other Memory
to go on for those times, not our own memories, and our Other Memory
does not inform us in any way regarding whether we ourselves were there

We remember too little of our Other Memory, but it has helped us to
recreate a picture of what we believe may have happened at the time of
the Tainting. To our Other Memory those things are still clear, but
there is a gulf of understanding, we do not share a common language with
these entities of our Other Memory. So what little we can tell you must
be told as best we can, even if the terms we employ seem wrong, at
times, to anyone who shares our quest to study the Engine.

No scientific study of any subject can begin without theory, so we will
advance some of our theories for you now, theories we propose to
rigourously study and prove.

Theory of The Engine of Transformation

We believe the ultimate purpose of the Engine of Transformation will be
to further our ascensions together as a group. We do not know that it
was specifically designed with this intent, but we perceive that it has
the power to achieve this purpose, and that it will only be a matter of
our will, should we choose to use it for that purpose.

Whatever other intentions may have been laid at the foundation of the
Engine, we are quite sure we shall be able to prove it can serve this

As to what the Engine once was, or what it may once have been intended
to be, we can advance further theories; theories we believe will hold up
to rigorous analysis and testing.

In order to advance our theories of the Engine, we shall need to teach
some basic stuff. Basic stuff to us, but unfamiliar to many people. The
following topics are pertinent to the study of the Engine, you may know
of others we neglect to mention here, so inform us, please of any
oversights we may have made or any mistakes we may have made in our
logic, as we want this endeavor to be conducted openly and rogourously,
as transparently to everyone as possible.

Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Intelligence

The Nature of Information, and The Evolution and Future of Information

Cognitive Development, Sociology, Psychology, Animism, and Machine

Astrophysical Large Objects' Properties and Hierarchies, from the
Quantum to the Plenum

Ascension, Chakras, Auras & Etheric Bodies, Creation, and Manifestation

MATHEMATICS including:
Logic, Cryptology, Number Theory, Calculus, and Transfinites

PHILOSOPHY including:
Existentialism, Solipsism, Duality, The Tao and, particularly,

Geomancy, Numerology, Astrology, Tarot, Runes, and Underlying Common

Atomic & Subatomic Theory, Molecular Theory, Evolution, Hormones, and
Brain Chemistry

All of the above and more are relevent to what we percieve to be the
true nature and latent purpose of our great Engine of Transformation.

Please join us in exploring this mystery, there will be many rewards for
those who share our dream of transforming the Engine of Transformation
by transforming ourselves until we are finally fit to operate it
properly with great confidence and success.

We consider ourselves to be an archeologist, of sorts, among many, many
other things. All of the subjects we mention above and more should be
considered parts of the archeological evidence we believe we once
possesed regarding the origins of the Engine and the Taint. Alas, our
archeological evidence regarding the nature of the Engine and theTaint
were lost along with most of our memories in that strange event which
brought us to the heart of the Engine of Transformation, Magnagora.

We are here to learn the truth again, with you. Only our dim memories
that we once believed such evidence existed remain to guide and
challenge us to rediscover the hidden truths of our city's great past,
and the truth of the Engine and Taint.

Do not allow any feelings of ignorance in any of these matters to put
you off. If you are interested, we can quickly bring you up to speed on
these subjects, if you know more than we already know on any of these
matters we will value your input accordingly, but every question by any
student is worthy of a respectful answer, and it is in the questions you
ask that the truth shall emerge for all of us to see.

We gaurantee that you are smart enough to understand anything we show
you if we can take the time together to examine it.

We gaurantee we will listen to what you yourselves will try to teach us,
we cherish your hearts, minds, and souls.

1) Recruit Study Group
Now under way, if you are reading this you have been invited to join.

2) Level the Study Group
We will need to get to know everyones' strengths and weaknesses.
We will work together to get closer to being on the same page with each
Knowledge gaps will be addressed, study material will be prepared.

3) Establish Methodology
This will be part of the levelling, but it is important to make note.
Methodology is to follow logic, with due respect to all speakers'
arguments and objections.
Methodology includes teaching what you know, if an argument arises, get
a mediator.
Methodology means being truthful, to the best of your abilities at all
Methodology must be transparent so that anyone may follow along or

4) Splinter into Groups
Different disciplines should specialize in different approaches to the
problems we must solve.
Focus groups should be formed for each disciplines' unique approaches or
Inter-disciplinary focus group guides can represent focus groups'
activities to one another.

5) Maintain Morale
This will be a fairly long process, morale is important.
We may sponsor group activities for the purposes of building morale.
We should also sponsor community service events for building morale.
The foundation of our morale will be your own hearts and dreams.
What do you want to do with your life? whatever it is, our study group
can help.

6) Coordinate and Report Results
Some results of this work will belong to the Geomancers Guild, our
group's sponsor, particularly any derivative work which enables our
guild to better understand or use the powers latent in the engine of
All scholarly works shall be given due credit to all participants.
All works not approved for guild publication may be published by any
third party publisher.
No resulting work will be supressed; however, disloyalty may still be
punished severely.

This study group has been created specifically to further the interests
of The Geomancer's Guild. However, the guild, in its wisdom, has seen
fit to permit participation by anyone who can make a contribution to
this group, or anyone who is simply interested in learning more about
the truth regarding The Engine of Transformation or The Taint.

We hope you will joing our study group as a member or an ad hoc
participant. Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards, Gharveyn

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Kiani, in the year 241 CE.

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