My return to the basin of life.
Written by: Asmoth, Homeless Monk
Date: Friday, July 24th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings everyone,
I will not bore you with a very long winded post, but I did want
everyone to know that though I am the same man in body. I am definately
not the same in soul. Before my long rest I was callous, cruel,
dishonest and vindictive, all things that are not attractive qualities.
I lost everything, not because it was taken away, but because my brutish
attitude and skewed views forced myself to lose all that meant anything
to me. My home, my guild and a great deal of my friends. For most of my
life I was part of New Celest, be as an Aquamancer or as a Tahtetso, and
I let anger and other silly emotions cloud my judgement and lost those
places I called home and those people I called friend.
I am back, I wanted to say I am sorry to all those I wronged, all those
in New Celest, all those in all areas of the world where my misguided
actions caused suffering or pain. I am a different person and can only
ask that you give me a shot. Please do not write me off and I hope to
pleasently surprise you.
Thank you for your time,
Penned by my hand on the 13th of Vestian, in the year 241 CE.