Written by: Dilettante Narsrim D'cente`
Date: Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Dearest Serenwilde,
On behalf of Magnagora, I would like to thank you for being selfish,
greedy bastards. The actions of Kielo, Viynain, and Everiine are of
exceptional merit as in betraying your peace agreement with New Celest,
you rallied them to join us in forging the Xion Initiative. Once more,
your pretentious and convoluted logic has gotten the best of you:
Faethorn was typically a peaceful location, but you have single handedly
brought more harm to the Fae in recent years than since the times of
Ellindel Treeheart.
You have failed the Fae, and your hubris shall be told in both your and
our children's tales for ages.
Gorgulu tells us that the baby inside of Selene gave him in indigestion.
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Juliary, in the year 241 CE.