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Public News Post #1277


Written by: Druid Iktomi of the Wyrden Wood
Date: Wednesday, October 7th, 2009
Addressed to: Ethelon a'Ishial

Ah ah! Dearest Ethelon, I wished to make a public post so all the world
will know that I quake before your might! My world was utterly turned
upside down the moment you decided to jump me, an inexperienced
non-combatant with maybe three years I can remember within the Basin.

Not once, not twice, but thrice you graced me with your presence! And
though I am sorry I could not let you have your way (It's the dark spirt
gnawing away inside me, sometimes it's preferences hold sway over my
own), it would seem this is why you tried all three times, because you
could not have your way?

If your issue is with combatants refusing to face you, then perhaps you
should stop running when they, as I witnessed the first time you tried.

If your issue is with combatants refusing to face you, then perhaps you
should seek -them- out, wait for -them- to leave wherever you cannot go,
perhaps you should bide your time until the moment is right for you.

I know, it takes patience! But surely you have it? Surely you've learned
throughout your long life not to throw a fit when you can't get what you
want, when you want it?


- Iktomi

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Vestian, in the year 247 CE.

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