A Contest for Her Garden
Written by: Mirami Wolfsong, Keyll Arrane
Date: Saturday, October 17th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings, fellow Basin-dwellers!
Lady Maylea is creating a new garden in Her temple, and is in search of
flowers to fill it with. She has decided that because it is a new
garden, it shall have new flowers! Therefore, a contest of sorts will be
held to determine what flowers will go into Her garden.
The rules:
-Anybody may enter.
-There is no limit on how many sketches a single person can enter.
-Sketches should be sent to me via letter. Be sure to include your name.
A number of sketches can be sketched on the same letter.
-Lady Maylea will choose a number of the sketches to craft into reality.
-If your sketch is chosen to be one of the ones created in Her garden,
She will reward you as She sees fit.
-All designs must be sent before 1 Estar 250 to be included in the
-If you have any other questions, let me know!
note that the flowers She decides to place in Her garden may change very
slightly as She forms them into reality.
Let the flower-sketching begin!
Mirami Wolfsong, Anatyeni
Penned by my hand on the 10th of Urlachmar, in the year 248 CE.