New Celest
Written by: Mother Sheia Silverwing, Grand Duchess of New Celest
Date: Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
As the recent Grand Duchess of New Celest I wanted to clarify
a few things.
All current treaties and aggreements made with New Celest will
remain. For the time being those wishing to have their enemy
status forgiven should speak with me. All requests will be on
a case by case basis, and all inquiries will be answered
swiftly. Just a reminder that at this time all enemies of
New Celest will, at the very least, be -considered- for approval.
I have messaged your various leaders and I am happy to speak with
a formal representative of any organization.
Grand Duchess Sheia Silverwing
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Shanthin, in the year 248 CE.