Your Escapades
Written by: Fly Brock, Ward of the Wyrd
Date: Friday, October 30th, 2009
Addressed to: Ethelon a'Ishial
Oh Mighty Ethelon, Pride of the Engine
your prowess so great, no one can question
you jump us, who know not how to defend
and run as soon as the aether bends
then claim that you did not mean to kill me
but instead, await my champion with glee
Yet time and again, when Ser Shuyin appears
faster than a wakabi, you disappear
This cycle goes on for some time,
showing his mettle to those with no crime
everytime, someone comes to help
Ethelon flees, like a scared whelp
When someone like me, then calls you out
you snub just as quick and begin to pout
"I am here and he flees there
Obviously I'm the one with a pair"
So blind you are, you can't see your lie
because your head is so high in the sky
or really it's shoved somewhere quite crass
is it possible it's your own ass?
Mighty Ethelon, Scourge of the Noobs
he who only fights when he won't lose
Unfortunately for me, it is quite clear
I must learn to fight, so Ethelon won't dare
So Mighty Ethelon, continue your quest
to become the basin's greatest pest
contributing nothing that is worthwhile
and making the rest of us simply smile
Makes the rest of us, laugh and speak
oh That Ethelon, what a freak
Does he really get his rocks off killing
those who are no sort villian
Before you sit there and cry foul,
you continue to prove me right
by chasing me around like some prized fowl
you obviously are not all that bright
Penned by my hand on the 13th of Kiani, in the year 249 CE.