Your corwardice
Written by: Fly Brock, Ward of the Wyrd
Date: Monday, November 2nd, 2009
Addressed to: Ethelon a'Ishial
Ah Ethelon, I think I offend
You continue to try and fail again
will nothing satisfy your quench
why not try some Magnagora wench
You sit here and chase, and I run away
laughing to myself a the end of the day
Ethelon, oh my, you prove me right
you make me the victor of this fight
Time and again, you attempt to kill
but you don't know my indomitable will
I won't sit and fight if that's what you think
so I bow out and wave, with a little wink
You see, I don't sit here and claim
that I am better at fighting the same
you and me are similar men
we run from those who would make our end
The difference is simple, it's really quite clear
I'm up front about my running, I have no fear
you on the other hand make outrageous boasts
"Here I am fighting him" (while running to the coast)
See that is where you cowardice lay
you make these claims and you say
" I want to stand and fight"
as you take off in a flight
Even earlier on the ethereal plane
I stood at the archway and you refrained
you wouldn't come in, you wouldn't dare
a simple demense is all it took to scare
so Ethelon the mighty, Ethelon the great
you come after me like precious freight
you have yet to kill, you are such a bore
Brock 10, Ethelon 0 is the score
Penned by my hand on the 13th of Avechary, in the year 249 CE.