Memorandum for Aid
Written by: Cririk Adom
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2009
Addressed to: Sister Sheia Silverwing, Princess of New Celest
Upon return of the Sovereign Commonwealth of Hallifax, we hereby do
pledge to uphold and maintain our vassal status under the protection of
the Holy Celestine Empire. While I understand that much time has passed,
it is our desire to continue to serve and support Celest in return for
your continued benevolent patronage.
In light of recent events, I hereby invoke Article IX, Section 212(d)(2)
of the Charter of the Kxark Accord. In times of disaster, the Empire
pledged to provide Hallifax with the labor necessary to rebuild. Thus,
we hereby demand provisions of indentured servants, to be no less than
200, to provide service for up to and including five generations.
Further, I also hereby invoke Article XIX, Section 23(b)(1)(iii) of the
Greater Matrix Insolvency Act whereby Hallifax in return for
transference of the Matrix power to the Pool of Stars, the Empire would
provide us with the necessary mining rights to maintain our various
institutes. Thus, we hereby demand control of the three remaining mining
towns for a period of no less than 50 years.
We expect the above terms to be met within the next five months. Thank
you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.
Your loyal servant,
Cririk Adom
Chairman of the Board
Sovereign Commonwealth of Hallifax
Penned by my hand on the 14th of Kiani, in the year 253 CE.