Demand for Declaration of War
Written by: Scuchidira Tliwx
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
To Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Sheia
As a loyal subject to the Empire, I hereby demand that Celest declare
war on Hallifax for its unprovoked aggression against Gaudiguch. We have
always depended on the Holy Empire to keep the peace in the Basin. This
action by Hallifax has resulted in the death of the entire population of
Gaudiguch, excepting myself as the sole survivor.
Please, Empress, do not be tempted to listen to the cold, smooth-talking
manipulations of Cririk Adom. Every whelp still wet behind the ears
knows that the Greater Matrix Insolvency Act was the result of
Hallifax's attempt to usurp your glorious throne! Why else were they
forced to cede 10 million power to the Pool of Stars. And, need I remind
you, Gaudiguch stood by you in that incident! And the don't get me
started on the Charter of the Kxark Accord! Slavery was ended over
100--or should I say 500--years ago!
Empress, I beseech you to exert justice and destroy Hallifax before they
are able to reclaim power. Indeed, I demand the execution not only of
Cririk Adom but of all lucidians and their trill accomplices for their
outrageous crimes against civilization. Justice must be done!
Your faithful servant,
Scuchidira Tliwx
Senator of the Free Commonwealth of Gaudiguch
Penned by my hand on the 16th of Kiani, in the year 253 CE.