See reason, Empress!
Written by: Scuchidira Tliwx
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2009
Addressed to: Sister Sheia Silverwing, Princess of New Celest
Empress Sheia:
I am utterly appalled and disgusted that you not only rebuffed my just
and righteous demand that Celest declare war on Hallifax for their
unwarranted aggression, but now I am to understand that you are going to
send 200 slaves to Hallifax in order to rebuild?
For shame, Empress! This craven capitulation to the murderous Hallifax
is beyond all reason! Have you so fallen from the Light? Are you truly
so corrupt that you not only refuse to declare war on those terrorists
who used weapons of mass destruction and commited horrendous crimes
against civilization?!
I implore you before it is too late, to come back to the Light! Let the
scales fall from your eyes and seize justice and truth! Hallifax must be
destroyed! You told me you'd consider their punishment--well Gaudiguch
is willing to hear what that might be, but make no mistake, if justice
is not done, we WILL secede from the Empire.
Scuchidira Tliwx
Senator of the Free Commonwealth of Gaudiguch
P.S. I would rather eat dirt than accepts slaves from Hallifax. And if I
see one gemstone with their foul stench on it, I'll burn them in the
Eternal Flame!
Penned by my hand on the 17th of Kiani, in the year 253 CE.