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Written by: Cririk Adom
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2009
Addressed to: Sister Sheia Silverwing, Princess of New Celest
To Her Most Sublime Highness, Empress Sheia:
As an official representative of the Sovereign Commonwealth of Hallifax
I step forward today to address the miscommunication that I conclude to
have transpired between your great nation and the Commonwealth. I would
inform Her Imperial Highness that I conclude that there is subterfuge at
work which is trying to drive a wedge between our two majestic nations.
Currently on my desk is a declaration signed by Your Imperial Highness
stating that you wish to enforce a breaking of the agreements between
Celest and Hallifax. This document also states that your nation does not
condone the legislation which allows for indentured servants and that
the Empire of Celest is economically unfit to provide the gemstones
which the Commonwealth has requested. It further states that even though
the Empire of Celest cannot uphold its previous agreements, it will
still enforce its dominion over the Sovereign Commonwealth of Hallifax
as a Vassal nation.
After reading this document, I have reached the only possible conclusion
that this concerns a forgery. I recall that Celest is far too honourable
to come back on support that was already agreed upon and the comment
concerning Economical power is obviously an attempt by your enemies to
place doubt upon your position as Emperor. We also disregard the
conclusion, for refusal of assistance while still enforcing dominion is
a direct contradiction of all acts and legislation that exists between
our two great nations. I express Hallifax's Joy at having been able to
uncover this plot to unbalance your position and look forward to your
assurance that the requested aide shall soon be provided.
I remain,
Your most loyal servant,
Cririk Adom
Chairman of the Board
Sovereign Commonwealth of Hallifax
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Kiani, in the year 253 CE.