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Public News Post #1306

Aligning the public record

Written by: Xavius Carthan
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

First, a note to our most esteemed Gaudi and Hallifaxian leaders: we are
all most pleased to have you with us again. I certainly sympathize with
the loss of your friends and family and the desire to cling to whatever
vestiges of your old life might remain. However, I think you would both
agree that the truth is better than a misconception. To that end, Sheia
is not the Empress of the Most Holy Celestine Empire. That which you
both called Celest has been destroyed and is now overrun with the
undead. That which we call Celest is actually the minor principality of
New Celest. It is an unfortunate equivocation, but the two words do not
mean the same thing. New Celest exerts a little more influence on the
world stage than, say, Rockholm, but not much. I am certain that the
people of New Celest do really desire to help you, but I don't think
you'll have much luck with treaties that are now held by spectres, and
they lack the military and financial might to properly handle their own
problems, much less yours.

On to happier news! Progress has been made on converting the old
calendar of the Empire to the modern Estarran calendar. The founding of
the Empire was 932 years before the coming of Estarra. We are unable to
pin down the exact date at this time. We have also determined that the
start of their new year was not the same as the start of our new year.
Project Cosmic Hope was undertaken in the winter, 13 Gorgani 543. We
have also determined that the month of Gorgani is no earlier than the
third month of the year and no later than the eleventh month of the
year. Perhaps, once they have settled, the esteemed representatives of
Hallifax and Gaudiguch can help fill in the gaps.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Dioni, in the year 253 CE.

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