Declaration of Sovereignty
Written by: Cririk Adom
Date: Monday, December 21st, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
Celest has now gone back on their witnessed, verbal agreement,
documented by myself (see public missive 1303), and refuses to honour
its contractual obligations. This is unacceptable. In my many years in
dealing with the Holy Celestine Empire, as a duly noted representative
of Hallifax, I have always been treated with integrity, respect and
forthrightness. Sheia Silverwing has offered instead deception, lies and
fraud. She has no honour. This is simply intolerable.
Therefore, it is with great regret that I announce that Hallifax hereby
secedes from the Holy Celestine Empire and declares itself an autonomous
sovereignty. I hereby and therefore declare myself Governor of Hallifax.
By this public address, I call upon all those who align themselves with
truth, beauty and harmony to come forth and join the collective that is
Hallifax. You will be offered a superior way of life, where the needs of
the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. I call on my brother
and sister lucidian, and our trill compatriots, to join me in rebuilding
Hallifax, that beacon of harmony that will one day encompass the entire
Basin of Life.
Governor Cririk Adom
Sovereign Commonwealth of Hallifax
Penned by my hand on the 10th of Dioni, in the year 253 CE.