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Public News Post #1308

Declaration of Independence

Written by: Scuchidira Tliwx
Date: Monday, December 21st, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

As much as it makes me choke on bile to say this, Cririk Adom and I
agree on one thing: Sheia Silverwing has no honour! Celest completely
spurned the clear justice required to confront the deeds of Hallifax. No
help was offered to Gaudiguch; indeed, I understand that she was
treating with Hallifax, despite its monstrous deeds and crimes against
civilization. Indeed, my sources confirm that she was even collaborating
in the disgusting slave trade which Gaudiguch has long stood against. I
find Celest to have become a craven, effete and bumbling entity where
once it had stood so proud and fierce. If it was even a glimmer of a
reflection of what it was, Gaudiguch would have stood beside her and
strove to return the glory of the imperial days! But no, not even a
glimmer of the city of justice and Light could be found.

Thus, it is with a heavy heart, that Gaudiguch also secedes from the
Holy Celestine Empire. We declare our independence and I appoint myself
as Governor of Gaudiguch! I beseech those who love liberty, truth and
justice to help me rebuild the city of freedom and joy! Most especially,
I most humbly ask my brother and sister dracnari to consider returning
to the roost, where we shall and bring forth a New Age of Enlightenment.

Scuchidira Tliwx
Governor of the Free Commonwealth of Gaudiguch

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Dioni, in the year 253 CE.

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