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Public News Post #1325

Guild Shop, and Certain TSC members

Written by: Holy Father Balian Zayah, The Ecclesiarch
Date: Wednesday, January 20th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone


Not trusting the Celestina Bazaar in the hands of Inagin, I tried to
salvage what I could of the property, that you would not be penalized
for his grudge against me. Unfortunately, I was killed in my efforts.
This is an account of all the herbs that I carried before losing my
connection to the living...

A group of 843 pieces of earwort, a group of 350 weed sprigs, a group of
1500 horehound blossoms, a group of 1000 wormwoods, a group of 300
clumps of kombu seaweed, a group of 1348 reishi mushrooms, a group of
1700 coltsfoot plugs, a group of 750 kafes, a group of 800 bunches of
flax, a group of 1540 galingale stems, a group of 1898 pennyroyal
bunches, a group of 450 faeleaf stalks, a group of 1200 calamus roots, a
group of 777 marjoram sprigs, a group of 1642 bog myrtle leaves, a group
of 2000 chervil sprigs, a group of 1200 arnica buds, a group of 200
mistletoe, a group of 340 rosehips, a group of 100 sage branches, a
group of 230 juniper berries, and a group of 220 yarrow sprigs.

Whoever the next elected leader happens to be, please ask him for thus,
and let him not cheat you of your belongings. Also, if you happen to
find a simple wooden bracelet with an inscription on the inside (if it
hasn't been stolen already), please let me know. Finally, to the people
in the Star Council clan, I apologize to you; It was frustration on my
part at not having been able to save my shop's goods, as well as salvage
some of my items that were of significance to me there.


Penned by my hand on the 9th of Klangiary, in the year 255 CE.

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