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Public News Post #1345

Winnae will destroy you.

Written by: Trooper Winnae, Combat Trainee
Date: Monday, April 5th, 2010
Addressed to: Rika Talnara, Nature's Order

Winnae has been thinking long and hard about the Sentinels guild of time
allusions. It makes no sense! If Sentinels can go back in time to time,
why not make Hallifax not be so puny? Hallifax could be full of puissant
tae'dae, maybe with wings, instead of puny bird men.
Or, Hallifax could go back in time and make weed plant extinct,
deestroying Gaudiguch.
Or go back in time and save Hallifax by killing the tae'dae who will
destroy it, while he is still a baby and cannot defend himself!

Then Winnae realized, the only way to save Hallifax is to kill Winnae
while he is still a baby. Winnae is writing this post asking you not to
do this. Baby Winnae is innocent. If you kill baby Winnae then olrder
Winnae will destroy you, though older Winnae will proably destroy you

Winnae is Puissant. He will make fine crystal goblets out of lucidians
and then break them over the heads of hte puny bird men. He will chop
down all the trees of glomdoring. But he will move the little animals
out of the way first because Winnae loves all the little animals. Then
he will pull the logs into Hallifax and set them on fire and burn
Hallifax. Winnae knows these things deep down inside and knows he cannot
be stopped but unless baby Winnae is hurt!

Baby Winnae loves you, though older Winnae must smite you because you
are puny. thank you for reading this is my first post, I made a furrikin
do my homework in collegium so.

Winnae the Puissant.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Klangiary, in the year 261 CE.

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