Formal Apology
Written by: Toracu Sol'Dryga
Date: Thursday, April 8th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
To Magnagora, Gaudiguch, and anyone else I have annoyed, pestered, or
otherwise been a total nutjob to, I formally apologize for my immature,
and rather obnoxious and random actions. I mean in no way disrespect,
except on occasion where I may be angry with you, whch is rare, but
instead am just entertaining myself. I see now that though I may be
entertained, others feel angered and annoyed, so I therefore apologize.
I do not expect forgiveness, though I do ask for it, as well as another
chance. Every dracnari can change his scales, it just takes time.
smoke it up, burnin' bright and free, cookies!
Toracu Sol'Dryga
Penned by my hand on the 10th of Roarkian, in the year 261 CE.