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Public News Post #1349

Your delicious honey.

Written by: Tormentor Winnae, Ops Initiate
Date: Sunday, April 18th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

Winnae wants to thank person who mails him honey, but does not know who
it is, so he is writing post. Honey is drunk very fast Because Winnae's
stomache is liike a puissant furnace of nihilistic rage. Some day Winnae
will become a mage and invent the honeymancy skill. Then he will turn
the inner sea into honey in order to destroy Celest. No one can stop
him, especially not Lawliet. Lawliet dies to puny slivvens and Winnae
laughs. After Lawliet die to slivvens, Winnae had two rocks that were
blue, but after giving head to Malarious he noticed his blue rocks were
gone. Malarious make mask out of head or something. This means Celest
not safe and better kill Lawliet next time they see her. It might be
Malarious so better do it. Or worse it might be Lawliet.

But that is not the point, the last gift of honey was large so Winnae is
ok on honey for a few more days and thanks you for that. Sometimes honey
will not come out of bottles, take Winnae's advice you are better off
leaving it in there.

But Winnae was thinking that he likes gold a lot because it is the same
color as honey. So Winnae greatly appreciates your honey and owuld luke
to know who you are, but if you want to send him gold he would like that

Winnae the Puissant.

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Klangiary, in the year 262 CE.

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