Lord Lyreth Essence Contest
Written by: Lord Shric Diluculo, Tempest of Aegis
Date: Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Hello, folks. My name is Shric Diluculo and I'm announcing that there
will be an essence contest starting this Estar. For one year, essence
brought in will be calculated and at the end of the year, credit prizes
will be handed out to the top essence gatherers.
There are a few eligibility requirements:
-Must be a member of Glomdoring, Serenwilde, Hallifax or Celest to
-Must NOT be an enemy of New Celest or the Order of Lord Lyreth.
Prizes are as follows:
First prize (top essence gatherer): 75 credits
Second prize: 50 credits
Third prize: 25 credits
Everyone who offers 5 million or more essence will receive 5 credits, as
a bonus to the top prizes. Anyone who offers between 1 and 5 million
essence will receive a credit reward equivalent to 1 credit per 1
million essence.
Any questions may be directed to myself. As an added notation, the Order
is accepting members and you may contact me for more information
regarding that.
-Shric Diluculo, Whimsical Maestro
Penned by my hand on the 11th of Roarkian, in the year 262 CE.