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Public News Post #1369

New Celest's Demands

Written by: Great Chieftain Everiine Silverwolf, Centaur Brother
Date: Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010
Addressed to: Jazella Ama'nar'isil

To Jazella Ama'nar'isil, Grand Duchess of the Grand Duchy of New Celest,
Resurgence of Light, Sentinel of the Sati and Abbot of the Priory in the
Tahtetso, the Chosen annointed by Holy Celestia,

"Individuals who continue to interfere with the goals of the Light will
find themselves enemied and slain though no action will be taken against
your nation as a whole."

Are these not your words, Grand Duchess? This was the only agreement we
came to: that the actions of mere individuals would not be cause for
outlandish demands and war. That battles would return to more civilized
times, when wars were declared not at the drop of a helm or the blink of
an eye. This very clause you wrote at the end of your letter, and we
sent you a reply indicating that as long as you upheld it, we would do
the same.

Who then is breaking this "agreement?" Has the Serenwilde organized
large, clearly planned raids on Seafolk territory? Have we, since the
incidents leading up to, through, or after our last negotiations, ever
threatened to declare war on the city of New Celest because of the
actions of a few individuals?

You are either purposefully deceptive or faulty in your perception of
what your own agreement was. It has been quoted for you, directly from
your own mouth. We are surprised and insulted that, believing that an
agreement had been breached (and this being the first time), you made no
attempt to contact us to determine what had happened, made no attempt at
diplomacy, and instead resorted immediately to threats of war and
demands of payment. You have much to learn about diplomacy and politics.

We reject your ridiculous demands for payment. We reject your threats of
war. But, neither will we counter with our own threats. We have no
intention of launching a massive offensive against the Seafolk. We have
no intention demanding anything of you.

If you wish to negotiate a peaceful resolution to your issues, we
welcome you to speak with the Moonhart Circle, as you should have done
in the first place. But leave your demands and your threats at home.
They are not welcome.

In service,
Great Chieftain Everiine Silverwolf
Totem Warrior
Mark of Nintoba

Penned by my hand on the 1st of Dioni, in the year 273 CE.

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