Written by: Princess Jazella Ama'nar'isil
Date: Monday, August 2nd, 2010
Addressed to: Seneschal Aerys Zayah
Serenwilde Forest,
On the 13th day of Dvarsh in the 270th year since the coming of Estarra,
two members of Serenwilde commune did willfully assist the Taint in a
raid against the Holy Supernals of Celestia. By name, these members are
Sadie Talnara, who serves on the Moonhart Circle as Khan en Wilde in the
Shofangi guild and the Serenguard Scax Zayah.
These actions violate the previously made agreement between the Star
Council of New Celest and the Moonhart Circle of Serenwilde which stated
that neither nation would participate in attacks on the nation as a
whole, but only against individuals. Attacks on a nation are defined as
an attack to the influence of the nexus through the prime material
planes and the other areas which intersect the nexus of a nation. An
attack on the Supernals is clearly a violation of this and New Celest is
most displeased with such violation.
Being not a war mongering nation, The Star Council has seen fit to allow
the Serenwilde forest the opportunity to make reparitions for these
actions in the form of a transferance of power in the amount of 15,000
from the Moonhart Mother Tree to the Pool of Stars. We find this amount
to be enough to force members of Serenwilde to think twice before acting
in such a manner but not too high as to be unreasonable.
Should our generous offer of repairation be refused, the consequences
will be a declaration of open war on Serenwilde Commune. As of the day
this letter is mailed, the Moonhart Circle will have exactly three
months to respond. Lack of a response will be considered rejection and
it will fall to the Star Council to take the appropriate actions.
I will be expecting a response by the first day of Avechary 273 CE as
this was posted on the first of Kiani 273 CE.
On behalf of the Star Council of New Celest,
Princess Jazella Ama'nar'isil
Penned by my hand on the 1st of Kiani, in the year 273 CE.