Written by: Jazella Ama'nar'isil
Date: Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010
Addressed to: Great Chieftain Everiine Silverwolf, Centaur Brother
"Individuals who continue to interfere with the goals of the Light will
find themselves enemied and slain though no action will be taken against
your nation as a whole."
Now before the twisting of words, the first part of this sentence was
simply put, "Those who insist upon defending Magnagora against the
warriors of the Light will be enemied and slain for their involvement in
aiding the Taint." The second part states that though should members
defend Magnagora, we would deal with them individually rather than
attacking your home. The same was expected of us as our members are free
to defend Glomdoring (not that you have the spine to raid Glomdoring).
But that your members also would not be allowed to attack our
territories. Sadie, acting as a member of the Moonhart Circle did attack
our Holy Supernals. This is now counted as an attack on Celest as a
whole and therefore a violation of said agreement. My sincerest
apologies for not previously breaking this down to savage speak.
Seren kill Light person on Earth means Seren die on Earth or place not
in Seren Forest. Seren also get enemied to Sparkly City for help save
icky Taint from good Light.
Seren attack big Light thingy on Big Sparkly Plane means Seren attacked
entire Sparkly City AND Seren make big mess for entire Seren forest.
- I sincerely apologize I did not purposefully misspell my translations
for you, I understand this will make it much harder for you to
comprehend but I simply could not convince myself to slaughter the
Lusternian language that badly.
Princess Jazella Ama'nar'isil
Penned by my hand on the 14th of Dioni, in the year 273 CE.