What a Joke
Written by: Sohei Kalas Malarious, of the Eternal Deception
Date: Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010
Addressed to: Jazella Ama'nar'isil
The pretense that Celest can actually manage a war of it's own is a
joke. A declaration of war is simply your statement that you will ask
Glomdoring to say something about Celest when they raid as Celest is
renowned for having citizens lacking any spine as you say.
I also find it amusing that you attempt to redefine the very words you
have stated before to better serve your needs. Ah the Light, well versed
in trying to blind others and manipulate things to the way they want.
You call yourselves the "good" and yet it is often that we hear of the
corruption and "special favors" to get into positions. Tell me Jazella,
how many did you bribe or offer perks to in exchange for leading the
city of puddles?
To those others of the Basin I heartily congratulate you on having seen
what the Light is truly like instead of what they once claimed to be.
The concept of "good" has shifted to simply mean those who believe
themselves holy. Celest has a long history of breaking their treaties,
pacts, and agreements. Why would any of you expect them to change that
under the most corrupt government I have ever seen in power there.
I expect plenty of replies as half the people of Celest will feel
insulted while the other half will quietly nod and agree when some of
their champions are well known cowards. So please, give me more laughs
Celest, simply cutting you down just is not enough when I can see your
wit falter too.
Eagerly anticipating your failures,
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Dioni, in the year 273 CE.