Jazella's facade of force
Written by: Patriarch Kalas Ixion, of the Black Fist
Date: Wednesday, August 4th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
For those of you still aboard the ship of logic and coherent thought
processes, let me express these words as a changeling in human form:
Perhaps only an Elder of the Fourth Circle could adequately ammend the
level of atrocity committed in Jazella's words. In the meantime, you may
consider me to be an amanuensis who is bringing clarity to the
situation. Her egregious lapses of logic, negligent and erroneous claims
of martial fortitude, and worst of all, assuming that her life is
anything but a joke bereft of amusement does nothing other than fuel her
own city's stagnation. Once upon a time, a city called New Celest stood
tall and defiant, radiating its prominence upon the lands. How could you
have fallen so far to be nothing more than a weak village tithing your
souls and backbones to the darker commune? Maybe such a day will come
when the City of Light will be worth killing off once more, but it is
not this day, and certainly she inhibits such coming to fruition. Thus,
Now, as a changeling in tae'dae form who has been beaten over the head
by the most blunt maggot a hundred times over, listen and despair
Jazella for even you may understand this in tae'dae style:
Ugh Ugh Jazella beg war with no boot Ugh Ugh
Agh Agh Why fishcakey friends die all time Agh Agh
Grog Grog I likey to put soul thingy in darky commune place Grog Grog
Just like the Dramube speeder's failure escape method of jumping ship,
alight from your village before it's too late.
-- Kalas Ixion
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Dioni, in the year 273 CE.