Re: Your Post
Written by: Kalin Disati
Date: Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
Addressed to: Ur'Mage Morvior d'Vanecu, Earthen Prophet
Dearest Morvior,
It makes me smile to see your words upon this board of news. The words
of a man with no idea what wit, sarcasm, or tongue in cheek means. I
must say that when I first read your words I was baffled, I thought
perhaps I was reading the words of a Celestian, then I read them again
and again and my baffled and befuddled expression turned to one of
amusement and mirth. In fact, I daresay, the sheer idiocy of it made me
giggle so hard that I might have pee'd... just a little... but we will
keep that between you and me, ok?
Anyways, I am sorry that my post to Celest, enemies of Magnagora, was so
offensive to you that you had to jump to the defense of those who your
city slaughters on a regular basis. Next time, before every statement
that is a blatant example of sarcasm, wit, and tongue in cheek I will
supply a disclaimer, stating "Morvior find a grown up to explain this
next sentence to you" and then we won't have these silly
misunderstandings anymore.
Freedom and Enlightenment be yours,
Mayor Kalin Disati
Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Shanthin, in the year 273 CE.