Essence contest for Lord Morgfyre
Written by: Ethelon a'Ishial, Celestian Nightmare
Date: Wednesday, August 11th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
The Divine Order of the Legion is opening up an essence contest in
homage of the Devourer of Gods. The contest will last a full year,
starting upon the 1st of Estar of the new year 274 and ending on the 1st
of Estar 275. The top three offerers will receieve True Favours, as well
as credits, to be given out in 15 to 1st, 10 to 2nd, and 5 to 3rd.
I invite those of Serenwilde and Gaudiguch to join us of the Engine in
this contest. I welcome all those of the lesser cities and forests to
participate aswell, you may meet us upon the field of battle and your
pathetic lives will be offered up to He Who Is Legion.
In Service,
Ethelon a'Ishial
Penned by my hand on the 9th of Roarkian, in the year 273 CE.