Village Security
Written by: Ur'Sergeant Halie d'Murani
Date: Friday, November 12th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
This month the Countess d'Vanecu placed new statues in Dairuchi for the
third time in the past several months. At the time this post was
scribed, these statues still need to be enchanted and it would be
greatly appreciated if somebody would do this without having to be asked
multiple times.
More important however, is the fact that we have now had a couple of
sets of fully enchanted statues taken down from this village. It is
absolutely imperitive that we protect what assets we do possess. The
statues play a role in detering outsiders from entering our villages and
swaying village favour between revolts.
In the interest of this, I am asking that a watch be kept on the village
of Dairuchi at all times so that we may monitor coming and going within
the village and be able to prevent this from happening and that we may
catch the guilty party or parties involved.
Steward of Magnagora,
Ur'Sergeant Halie d'Murani
Penned by my hand on the 14th of Vestian, in the year 281 CE.