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Public News Post #1439


Written by: Talkan La'Saet
Date: Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

To the citizens of New Celest.

I wish to express my deepest apologies. There are few words that would
convey the depth of remorse and regret that grips me but an attempt must
be made. As a Vernal Ascendant, I should have withstood all attacks
against New Celest and upheld my oath to the city and the Supernals. It
is a tragedy that my family and my home have been weakened by my actions
and that I forgot the teachings of Lord Methrenton, whose passion lit
the way and made me who I am: A priest and soldier of the Light.
Instead, I made the wrong decision and left the city which I dad
promised to protect in an act of defiance, shaming myself.

New Celest is the only home I have known. It is the home of my mother,
my father. My brothers and sisters. My place is with Celest, even though
I am unworthy of her. Still I clutch my celestial shield as I recall
silent oaths declared before the holy Supernals. They call to me and I
must answer. They have not forsaken me, for their love and guidance is
eternal. I will renew my vows and make good on promises made. I ask only
of Celest that you find it within you to forgive and allow me to prove
that while flawed, I remain a servant of the Light.

Debts can and will be repaid. Fines issued and delivered. Faith,
however, is more easily lost than regained. I hope that in time that too
may be restored.

Forever in Light,
Talkan La'Saet

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Shanthin, in the year 283 CE.

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