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Public News Post #1440

The Plague

Written by: Tully, Janitor of the Basin
Date: Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

Well boyos,

I got a little infected with this plague after representatives from the
entire basin visited Eventru. By The Nine, this is a weird little
disease. Some of ye look dreadful. Worse than a lich that is covered in
mud and slime after Murphy engaged in combat "practice"--boy the old
stories I can tell!

I think I'm going to retire to my manse for the next score of days.
Depending on how the situation goes when I come back out, I think if the
plague gets any worse, we should consider setting up some sort of
quarantine zone for those of us in the advanced stages.

I would recommend the Tidal Flats. Here are my reasons. Right now it
seems to be isolated from the extreme weather patterns affecting all of
ye out there. Secondly, the salt water might be helpful for the skin,
and the general humidity might be helpful for all the coughs. And
thirdly, it is somewhat isolated from all the communites--we just need
to stay away from the few humans making their home there. I would
suggest maybe having some hunters setup some tents.

Although I am hoping a cure can be found...

Strange Days Indeed!

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Shanthin, in the year 283 CE.

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