More on the Strange Times...
Written by: Tully, Janitor of the Basin
Date: Friday, December 17th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Hello boyos,
I just wanted to report on a few things. It is such a shame that very
few people use the public news anymore. I don't know why that is, either
ye boyos want to keep things secret or ye are so damned cheap ye don't
want to spend the gold. Such a shame, I feel bad for the poor villages
in the Basin who can't get ye news anywhere else. If it wasn't for that
poor anonymous boyo with his or her own channel named "Events", a lot of
civilains wouldn't be able to go anywhere.
First of all, as ye may know by now, the Tidal Flats are NOT safe. I am
sorry about that.
Secondly, the box with the blue beauties is not good stuff, stay away
from it. It's as bad as the damned chocolate.
I had heard the rumors that Jolly Bundy went missing. I went out with a
crew of fellows. As well meaning as they were, I kind of feel we win the
"Ye Poor Boyo" award for being organized. Oh well. In case ye didn't
know Gnomes are missing from everywhere. The Star Hopper disappeared
from the docks, and there were no gnomes on Bottledowns. The only thing
on Bottledowns are the toys.
Anyway, I wanted to let all of ye know that one unusual thing we did is
that we encounted the Star Hopper in Aetherspace, which looked like it
was leaving or floating near Bottledowns, just outside of the entrances
to the aetherbubble's core. So, that might be a clue for all of ye.
Maybe the ship contains a clue. I wanted to let all of ye know about
Penned by my hand on the 13th of Urlachmar, in the year 284 CE.