New Business
Written by: The Gnodfather
Date: Saturday, December 18th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
This is the Gnodfather. I run a little organization you may have heard
of called the Gnafia. You have interfered with a few of the business
operations of my family syndicate before, but I'll magnanimously let
that pass. For I am a good and kindly Boss.
Yes, you heard that right. Boss. Boss of what you might be asking?
Excellent question! Let us just say Everything. And, yes, that includes
the Basin of Life. Laughing, are you? Well, just wait.
You see, I now have absolute and total control over those little objects
d'art that you call "nexuses". Got your attention, have I? Good!
Wondering how I got control? Well, there was a little gnomish legend
about something called the Eight Rings of the Aether Kings. However, it
turned out they weren't so legendary. The trick was powering them. But
that turned out easier than we imagined. You see, you have these nine
nice little power sources littering that big mountain, doing nothing at
all. So we just found ways to channel their power. To me. Pretty sweet,
Now, let's can get down to business. If you want to draw power from your
nexuses again, you will have to go through the Gnafia. And it will cost
you. We'll be reasonable about it. Let's say 1000 gold for dram of
Oh, and if you haven't caught on, you are all now a part of the Gnafia.
When I say jump, you'll say, how high, with a smile on your chops. Or
else things will get nasty. Very nasty.
But the Basin of Life is now under the Gnafia's protection, so get used
to living in peace and harmony. Gnafia style. Don't worry. You'll learn
to love it. Trust me.
The Gnodfather
Boss of Everything
P.S. Don't think you'll get any help from the other gnomes. I have the
spiritual heart of the gnomes, a little fellow called Jolly Bundy. He's
mine now which means all gnomes are mine now. Ah, life is good!
Penned by My hand on the 11th of Kiani, in the year 284 CE.