Those seals you (the Gnomfather guy) mentioned
Written by: Wavering Flame, Bethey Fyreoak, of the Seven Sacred Pyres
Date: Saturday, December 18th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
To the Gomefather person guy,
Um, by those seals on the mountain, do you mean the Nine Seals that
kinda sorta keep Almighty Kethuru, the God-Eater, Greatest of the
Soulless Gods from maybe -ravaging- the Basin? If those are the ones you
mean, then uh...learn history. And don't drain those they're not 'doing
nothing' they're keeping him from coming here and causing all kinds of
trouble like he did in the past with the Taint Wars. Seriously! There
might not be a recognizable Basin left to run, gnomy, so maybe don't
stab yourself in the foot okay? Just thought you might wanna know that
Penned by my hand on the 11th of Kiani, in the year 284 CE.