To the Gnafia
Written by: Rika Talnara, of the Wistful Rhythm
Date: Sunday, December 19th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
I have always been an admirer of gnomish technologies. Sure, aethetics
come second to the practicality, but your gnomish artifacts definitely
do deliver on their practicality. That is, until you made these cubes
you have now attached to our Nexii.
You see, I was happily going to pay a thousand gold for a dram of power.
While complex, most other gnomish artifacts are pretty easy to operate.
This was not the case when I took a closer inspection on this cube. One
thousand gold sovereigns is required for a dram of power, but the slot
where we insert these sovereigns is only large enough for one gold
sovereign. So, to draw a single dram of power, we would need to put a
single sovereign into the cube one thousand times.
Needless to say, I am sorely disappointed at this failure of an
artifacts. I feel whoever designed and approved of this cube has failed
themselves. No, they have failed the entire gnomish race. If I were you,
I would remove these cubes immediately, to save yourself from the shame.
With disappointment,
Rika Talnara
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Dioni, in the year 284 CE.