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Public News Post #1477


Written by: The Cunning Kalas Iytha, Inspired Invader of Havens
Date: Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone


It seems that not all is well in the Engine these days: We here at the
Gossip in the course of investigating Malarious's recent murder of a
young Magnagoran citizen, have uncovered a shocking truth: The Sohei of
the Quietus Innocence has convinced the Magistrate of Magnagora to
declare martial law and supress crime and dissent by threat of murder!
This shocking revelation has not been announced to the Basin as a whole,
presumably in an attempt to put on a strong face for the rest of the
Basin. One can only wonder how many Magnagorans secretly yearn for the
Truth, Freedom and Justice denied to them by their brutal artistocratic

The following is the transcript made of the discussion between the two,
made just hours before this post was entered into the public record:

Malarious: "I believe [the murdered citizen, after being slain and
revived] inclined and walked to the manse to be specific."
M: "His respect returned."
M: "Cw." (we here at the Gossip have no idea what was ment by this.)
M: "The goal was accomplished, he stopped, he learned, he did not get
M: "I believe 3 strikes is usually a boot."
M: "But I am regretting not using it."

Xarcon: "The only thing I ask of you, Sohei... Please try to talk to the
Iron Council or myself before disfavouring."
X: "Or, change the law!"

M: "Also good."
M: "But I believe law changes are in the councils[sic] area not mine."

X: "Heck! If you have a good idea on improving [the law], say it."

M: "Ok."
M: "Remove that law."

X: "I will make a post about it then."
X: "And see how everyone feels about it."

M: "The intent was to prevent abuse."
M: "The wording outright limits the ability to use it."
M: "Did you notice, murder is against the law but there was no concern
when he died, nor is there laws against removing from city, but the
disfavour causes issues?"
M: "See how this may be.... a bit out of priority?"

X: "Actually, if I would have brought[sic] up to the [Iron Council] as a
case I would have included that."
X: "It was a concern."

M: "We were a city of Martial law,[sic] death meant you stepped way out
of line or attacked someone. Disfavour meant you were only minorly out
of line. Removing was for those who didn't learn."

X: "Yes, but now we have a government."

M: "We did before too."

X: "If you want, I could step down as city leader and revert to Martial

M: "Martial law and city leader are not exclusive."

X: "When there is no form of government and the military takes over,
that is marital[sic] law."

M: "We need government to rebuild, we need discipline to maintain who we
M: "Martial law is the presence of the military as government."

X: "Which is what I am hoping to do."

M: "Do not think of your existence as something against martial law."
M: "Martiel[sic] law is, glorified to me."
M: "I grew up in what seemed like martial law, it is what pushed us as a
combat power."
M: "Military was how we kept order, not merely defended the borders."
M: "We added the hangings to officialize it."

X: "I don't disagree on some of your points. However, there are
different battlefields here. The game has changed on different
dimensions." (this is suspected to be a reference to Fainite theology)

M: "We are definitely not as militant now, but magistrates do not mean
peaceful, nor does militant mean excessive."

X: "Yes, but this change has to be gradual."

M: "Hence the suggestion."
M: "I must be off."
M: "Love to talk later though."

We here at the Gossip will continue to investigate the issue, and if we
find out anything new, you'll be sure to read it here first!

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Tzarin, in the year 292 CE.

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