Are you a returning player? Welcome back to Lusternia, Age of Ascension! We're happy to see you!

For those characters who have not logged on for 60 days, you will be able to type WELCOMEBACK and receive a package of basic supplies that might have decayed while you were gone. Keep in mind that you will only be able to do this within 48 hours of logging back on again, so don't miss the opportunity!

As a returning player, you may have missed many big changes in the game, and so when you've had a moment to take stock of your surroundings, consider perusing our HELP POLICIES once more, catching up on CHANGELOGS, and reading through the new Announcements in the NEWS since you last played! For those curious about new roleplay developments, consider catching up on the in-character Events posts in the NEWS as well!

Lusternia is a community of players as well as a game, so if you still find yourself confused or in need of help, don't hesitate to ask your fellow players. The NEWBIE channel is a place you can ask your questions, even if you're an old player just returning. We also have a DISCORD and FORUMS through which you can interact with the community.

Again, welcome back, and enjoy your time in Lusternia, Age of Ascension!